QuickBooks is an accounting software used by most SWCDs and is highly recommended by the VASWCD and the state. The QuickBooks Training Manual is a resource for all SWCDs using QuickBooks. Topics covered in the training manual include but is not limited to:
- How to Set Up a Proper Chart of Accounts
- Using Classes for Attachment E
- Vendors, Customers & Others
- Invoicing & Receiving Payments
- Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss Statements
- Attachment E Preparation& Reconciliation
- Preparing and Using a Budget
- Bank & Credit Card Processes & Reconciliation
- Sales Tax
- Custom Reporting
- Payroll tax payments, tax returns & W-2 Reconciliation
- Preparing the 1099-G and 1099-MISC
The VASWCD, working with partners, on occasion offers QuickBooks training sessions. Please let us know if you have any QuickBooks questions or training needs.