Join Us at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel in Williamsburg, VA – Save the Dates: December 7-9, 2025
Join us for our 2025 Annual Meeting at the Doubletree Williamsburg for what will be great networking and educational sessions.
Our annual meeting planning committee efforts will get underway in late Spring/early Summer 2025. Please join our efforts and help with programming and content. Contact VASWCD staff if you are interested in participating!
- Online Registration Open – Online registration will open in Fall
2025. All registration information will be required online.
- Hotel Reservations – Reservation link will be shared in the Fall 2025. A discounted state rate will be made available to attendees. Reservations will be made directly with the Doubletree Williamsburg. Learn more about the hotel and accommodations here.
- Annual Meeting Agenda – Review the 2024 final, full conference agenda here to get an understanding of the three days full of training and most importantly networking. Sunday board and Tuesday business meeting materials will be available at
- Annual Meeting Sponsor/Vendor/Exhibit Form – Learn details below regarding sponsorship levels and come on board as a meeting sponsor to gain recognition throughout the conference. Purchase sponsorship opportunities and send payment directly to the VASWCD using the attached form. Online registration for sponsors will open in Fall 2025.
- Annual Meeting Auction Registration – The VASWCD auction and raffle is our biggest fundraiser and your contributions support the Foundation’s environmental education programs including Envirothon, Youth Conservation Camp, MWEE, and more. Register an auction item and plan to purchase your Wine & Win raffle tickets at the Annual Meeting. While items will still be accepted at the door pre-registering your item will allow staff time to better process and plan for the silent auction. Registration will open for auction items in Fall 2025.
If you have any questions regarding the Annual Meeting contact the Association Office at 804-559-0324 or Kendall Tyree by email at
Annual Meeting Sponsorship
The Virginia Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (VASWCD) provides and promotes leadership in the conservation of natural resources through stewardship and education programs. It coordinates conservation efforts statewide to focus effectively on issues identified by local member districts. Our mission is to serve and strengthen Soil and Water Conservation Districts in the stewardship of natural resources. The VASWCD is a private nonprofit association of 47 soil and water conservation districts in Virginia and is classified as a 501(c)(5). It is a voluntary, nongovernmental association of Virginia’s districts.
Your organization could be a donating sponsor and contributor to the continued success of the 47 soil and water districts across the Commonwealth. The Annual Meeting provides your organization not only an opportunity to coordinate with districts but vast networking opportunities. Sponsor support and donations serve as the backbone of our association and keep us moving forward in the name of conservation.
Consider showing your support also by advertising in our annual District Directory. This directory is distributed throughout Virginia to all 47 Soil & Water Conservation District staff and directors along with many partners including the Department of Conservation and Recreation, National Resources Conservation Service, and Virginia Department of Forestry. To find out more information about our advertising options see our District Directory Advertising page. Serve as an annual meeting sponsor and purchase advertisement space for a 20% discount.
Sponsorship levels & benefits:
Platinum Sponsor
Bronze, Silver, Gold Benefits PLUS
Up to five minutes to speak during a general session or breakout session
1 Additional Conference Attendee Registration (A total of 3Registration Packages)
Up to 1 page ad in the VASWCD membership directory
Social media/Website shout-out
Gold Sponsor
Bronze & Silver Sponsor Benefits PLUS
Verbal recognition during conference at multiple general sessions where all participants are in attendance
1 Additional Conference Attendee Registration (A total of 2Registration Packages valued at $595)
Prime location exhibit space with increased space – above the minimum six foot if desired – and internet access
Advertisement in SWCD Directory up to ½ page included
Conference attendee list provided electronically
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Support Sponsor Benefits PLUS
Recognition during conference on general session screen
Reception Invitation and Drink Tickets with VASWCD leaders on Sunday, December 3
1 Conference Attendee Registration Valued at $295.00. (All training, morning breakfast Monday & Tuesday, Continuous breaks, Monday awards luncheon, Monday Director/Partner Luncheon, & Tuesday banquet dinner)
20% discount on SWCD Directory Advertising
Bronze Support Sponsor / Non-Profit Sponsor
Bronze Support Sponsor Benefits
Sponsor information included in the meeting program and onVASWCD website meeting page
Six Foot Exhibit space – skirted table and two chairs
District Exhibitors Only
SWCD Rate – The VASWCD will assist with the cost of space for SWCDs